Next Steps

Discover Jesus and Grow in Faith

At Rivers Church, we believe that the most important step anyone can take is discovering who Jesus is. Whether you’re just starting your faith journey or looking to deepen your relationship with Him, we’re here to help guide you every step of the way.

Discover RC

If you're new to RC we want you to attend this class! It's a great place to hear about who we are and what's important to us. It's also a place to find out about what it means to be a member at Rivers Church. We typically hold these classes during the 10:45 service on the Second Sunday of the month. But just to make sure, email us and we'll be sure to let you know when the next one will take place.

Small Groups

Small groups are at the core of our community, offering a place to connect with others, grow in faith, and dive deeper into God’s Word. No matter where you are on your journey, you’ll find a group where you belong.

Water Baptism

Baptism is an outward expression of your inward faith in Jesus Christ. It represents new life and transformation. If you’re ready to take this step or want more information, we’re here to support you on this exciting journey.


God has given you unique gifts and talents to serve others and make a difference. When you use your gifts, you’ll grow spiritually, strengthen our church, and have fun! Ready to get involved? Click below to explore serving opportunities or take a spiritual gifts assessment. Once completed, send your results to, and we’ll help you find the perfect place to serve.